The reason I blog...

"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and
keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh
your memory of these meaningful, significant things. Some of them may be funny.
Some may be of significance only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly
beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of
special experience."
~Gordon B. Hinckley

Friday, July 3, 2009

[ Oquirrh Temple Open House ]

Joey's brother is in town for the week with his family and invited us to go to the new Oquirrh Temple's open house with them. I thought this one was just as pretty as the new Draper Temple...and I was so happy that we were able to go through it! The kids did fairly well...and no F-bombs yelled this time!! It's amazing to see all the detail that goes into making The Lord's house so beautiful! I know I take for granted the opportunity I have to go to the Temple as we have so many close by. I'm gonna try harder to work on that! It's an amazing feeling to sit in the sealing rooms and look into the mirrors that go on forever. I look forward to the day I am able to do that with my family... Here are some pics we took...

I can't get over how pretty she is...Clayton giving Auntie Stepho kisses...Playing in the fountain...Scott and StephanieThe group of us that went...Melissa's parents, brother and sister with their families.

1 comment:

SheL said...

Wow Leslie, you take some beautiful pictures!