The reason I blog...

"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and
keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh
your memory of these meaningful, significant things. Some of them may be funny.
Some may be of significance only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly
beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of
special experience."
~Gordon B. Hinckley

Friday, April 25, 2008

Business in the front...Party in the back!

Okay, so Joey decided that since he was going to get his haircut anyways (see previous post 'A few updates')...that he'd have a little fun and cut it into a 'Mullet' like his idol Joe Dirt! My sister Melissa is going to cosmotology school so she came over last night and cut it for him. I sure hope that they aren't teaching her how to cut people's hair into this particular style!! It was so hilarious...I couldn't stop laughing!!

Before Pictures...

During the cut...
Drumm roll please...................
And here you have it...Business in the front and Party in the back! Joey finally completes the Redneck look!Cheese! Spikey!
I just hope that this phase doesn't last as long as the last one (he had been growing his hair out for 11 months!) I don't know if I could handle it! I hope he has to go in for an interview soon!!


Jason and Lis Day said...

Oh My Gosh!!!!!! It's worse than I thought! You're a brave girl Leslie.

Mark and Amber Kincher said...

WOW! That is all I can say. Are they doing a JOE Dirt 2 movie. I have had bad haircuts, especially when I was younger, but none this bad. Just wait till clayton wants his done the same way.

Tyler said...

Ha ha ha that is awesome!! I was laughing so hard at this post. Tyler loves mullets... we have a lot of random pictures of them. If he sees someone with a good mullet and has the camera with him he will take a picture of it. His favorite is the "skullet" lol.
(This is Shel... I am just signed in as Tyler because I need an invitation to your blog under my sign in... Send me an invite if you get a chance)