"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of these meaningful, significant things. Some of them may be funny. Some may be of significance only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experience."
We took the kids ice skating this weekend! Both the kids had lots of fun and both skated really well! We were impressed with how much Aspen remembered from her skating lessons! She was much more comfortable skating on her own this time! She even started touching her toes and falling on purpose so that she could show us she could get up on her own (both of which she struggled with during her lessons)! I don't know what changed?? On her last lesson she left the ice crying. But now she wants to take lessons again, so of course we signed her up! She'll start next Saturday morning!! She did say that she needed to get a new "short" skating skirt like the other girls before she could take lessons!!
Clayton also did Awesome!! He is much more daring than Aspen was when she first started! I think this was only his 2nd time ever skating and he was already standing on his own and trying to skate/walk on the ice! We were so proud of both of them!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Okay, so I think this will be the last post of the night...I should finally be caught up! This last weekend I went out shopping with Joey's mom and sister's...left the kids with Joey. No big deal right? Wrong!!! This is what I came home to... My husband shaved off my beautiful son's hair!!! IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER!!! Not just buzzed...completely shaven...he's a little mini skin head!! I was so sad/upset that I started to cry! Joey didn't expect my reaction! He still thinks it's no big deal! Clayton was born with a FULL head of dark hair...I have never seen this baby bald!!! So you can imagine what I'm feeling right now! He is still a very cute little boy...but seriously Joey...what were you thinking...the kids got dumbo ears???? Okay so now that I've ranted and raved...here are some pictures of my little baldy!
Clayton loves to show off his new do'...he says it's fuzzy!
Shaved head or not...how could you not love this face?!Busted!!!Twinners...Daddy and Clayton!
We had a pretty mellow New Years! Joey didn't really want to do anything big! He says he's on strike because he doesn't get Veteran's Day off work...but he gets a silly holiday like New Year's off! We just hung out at home and watched movies...the kids stayed up til' about 10 and we went to bed right after the clock struck midnight! Exciting...I know!! I am looking forward to the New Year and all the things it has in store for us! I hope that it will bring good things for our family! I did take these cool pictures on way home from work that night though...I'm having fun with my new camera! These were taken on the sunset setting...
The weekend after Christmas Joey and I went shooting with his sister Kimberly and her boyfriend Jory. We were supposed to be shooting rabbits...but we only saw 3 the entire day!! I'm sure this will offend some of you and sorry if it does...but I was pretty excited that I was the only one that killed anything...so I had to take my picture with it!
Me and Kimberly Kimberly and Jory I whined a lot about the snow and the cold...but overall it was lots of fun!
On our way home...Kim spotted 3 elk on the mountain...they are such pretty animals!!
Isn't it funny that kids have just as much fun playing with the boxes the toys come in as the actual toys themselves?! Here are my two cute little presents!! We had so much fun pretending that I was buying them at the store!! It kept them entertained for quite some time!
Our Christmas was really nice! We all got pretty spoiled! We spent Christmas Eve at home as a family. The kids got to open up one present early...which was "surprisingly" new jammies!! We read a few favorite Christmas stories and it was off to bed for the kiddies!! At about 10:30 pm Aspen woke up and came out to the living room to find Daddy eating Santa's cookies and drinking his "pink" milk!!! She was SOOO pissed!! If looks could kill...well... Joey wouldn't be here today!! She just looked at him and said, "Those are for Santa!" in the most serious voice ever! He got caught red handed! I explained to her that Daddy got really hungry and needed a snack...and that we would put out more "pink" milk and cookies for Santa! It was hilarious!!
Santa came and visited us later that night...leaving a note for the kids thanking them for the milk and cookies!! And also to look in the kitchen for another present!
Santa brought the kids a fish tank!
He even left magic foot prints from the chimney... around the coffee table...to the tree...and back up the chimney! The kids were pretty surprised to see all the presents he'd left for them! Christmas is so much fun for the kids and it's so fun to see the joy that it brings them! This is one of Joey's gifts...he also got a new9mm hand gun (which he opened early)!
After opening our presents we went over to the Holder's house for breakfast! Here's Kylee, Travis and Aspen...I didn't take very many pictures! Then it was off to my Dad's house to open presents and then over to Joey's parents house to open presents and eat yummy Prime Rib dinner! It was a lot of running around but we like being able to spend time with everyone!!