I officially suck at blogging...I have tons of stuff/pictures to blog. But since it's been so long...rather than post about Clayton's 3rd birthday (in September), Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas...since you know it's...um *cough*...March. I thought I'd give you all an update on what we've been up to lately...
Aspen is loving Kindergarten...she has grown so much this year academically. She has homework everynight...which she usually loves doing...but sometimes we fight and cry about having to do it. Usually it's me doing the fighting and crying...cause it takes time and patience to sit with a 5 year old and help her
slowly write the answers down! But for the most part it's fun! She's been ice skating a lot lately...and just proudly passed her Level 1 class. She came home and told me, "Mom, I'm the winner. I won!" when she showed me her certificate and patch. She's doing really well and it makes me happy that she's succeeding. Although I never thought I'd have a figure skater in the family! We are thinking about putting her in private lessons...and then she'll be doing the Spring Ice Show again this year. She's so sweet when she wants to be...and she can be a little devilish when she wants to also. But I love her just the same! Her favorite foods right now are chicken and rice, chocolate milk, bug juice, hot chocolate and plain hershey's chocolate bars...she takes after her Momma on the last one!
Clayton...my little man is growing so fast! I think he just went through a growth spurt recently cause all is 3T clothes are too snug for him and i'm buying size 4 stuff already! He's quickly gaining on his big sister! He is in love with everything Transformers or Star Wars! And there are somedays he doesn't change out of his Optimus Prime halloween costume (which I promise I will one day get around to posting!). He follows Aspen around all day...playing whatever she decides for him to play. But then there's times i will find him destroying lego buildings with his star wars/transformer guys all by himself...and it's so darn cute! Clayton is also ice skating these days! According to Joey he hates it, but when he's at home he's constantly showing me his moves! So I think in time he'll start to love it as much as Aspen does! His favorite foods right now are hotdogs, corn dogs with mustard, chocolate milk, candy candy candy...and occasionally a sip of mom's Docta Peppa! The kid has a major sweet tooth! He is the happiest when he wakes up...unless you are trying to dress him...so he usually gets to go to day care in his jammies! He hates sleeping in his bed...and has become, to my dismay, my new bed buddy! He calls them sleepovers in mom's room...and i have a hard time denying him at 3 am! I'm working on it...
Update on me...well things are going ok. I'm still working full time, enjoying my nights off with the kids...or sometimes with out them. Watching lots of movies, taking some pictures, editing some pictures, doing some sewing, a little rearranging here and there. And most recently "training" to run in a 5k...to most of you that's nothing...to me who hates running...it will be a big accomplishment! My life is pretty boring! Don't know if all of you know...in fact probably most of you don't...Joey and I seperated a few months back. I'm ok, he's ok, the kids are ok! We are making the best of the situation and doing well as friends. I wasn't planning on saying anything...but it's maybe why I haven't blogged anything since September. And I figure I need to get on with things and reclaim my blog! So that's why the change in the website needed to happen. I will still probably update you on Joey every once in a while as he's still a HUGE part of this family...I hope I won't lose those of you that are friends with him...I like to think we are friends too! Although, I'm not sure any of you still check this blog since it's been so long since i've updated! Anyways, I'm hoping to start blogging more regularly...showing you some pictures...and sharing some things i've been working on...and what the kids are up to. And eventually I'll get around to posting some of the things we've done the last 6 months!! So don't be afraid to comment and say hi...really I would love it!!
All the love in the universe~